This is the story of how life can change too fast. From Asian beaches to Irish chemo wards, we document it here.
Covent Garden, April 2015
Rebecca moved to London with Marco in 2009. They lived in Ealing for a time, and after Becks and Marco separated, she lives with a series of smelly men in North London.
She worked in a bar, then as a nanny and eventually landed an internship at a PR agency. She worked her way up in Bacchus from intern to full time Accounts person running openings for hotels and restaurants all over London.
So there we were in the Convent Garden Cocktail Club whilst you held court at the bar, trying to touch the ceiling, as the drinks flowed I realized you were definitely more than just another ‘friend from Ireland’ and that you became a trusted addition to my inner circle, that night we walked the streets of London, you, Jessica, Sarah- Jane and Amanda and whomever else joined our merriment into the morning dawn. That night you offered a small box room in your place, if I ever needed a place to stay, when you knew I did, and within two short weeks, we were trusted roommates. Dancing in the kitchen to old cringey R&B and introducing each other to ‘tunes’ became the norm, as did impromptu nights out, at fancy PR events and even a trip to a gay bar in Soho, with a wager on who would be hit on first…….(my trip to the toilet, sealed my success ;) ) Flouncing around Trafalgar Square with Jackie and Nikki, I washed my feet in the fountain whilst you all mounted statues of Lions and we welcomed the Olympics with disrespectful poses. Partying in Aynhoe for Halloween, you schooled me on Frida Kahlo and our trip home to Dublin for Paddy's Day 2012 with Jesus, Mauri, Jackie your Dad, two eastern European chicks, me falling asleep in Courtney's was EPIC, TOO MUCH FUN! So many 'Landan' pints, lovely chats, an impromptu trip to a Bob Dylan festival saw us sing along to Damien Rice and whoop and holler to him about the 67 and the Celbridge Massive…from the crowd. I boarded a children’s fairground ride with you, that you took in your stride, whilst I sworn and screamed in terror, amongst our judgmental co-passengers and their parents (?!) Several venues, witnessed our unreal dance moves, like we were on fire, your legs taking up more space than humanly possible, whilst I followed in sweaty compliance…annoying DJs and larking about with your devil may care joie de vivre, that so many people were magnetized by.
Katherine Thomas, 2021
Dublin Ireland